We are very pleased and excited to announce that Sadie has NO MORE BRACES!!! YAY!! Thank you God!! We went to her Shriner's appointment on November 4th and were a little nervous about it because we hadn't been the best about making her wear them this summer. It was just TOO hot! And the braces were making welps and she would sweat really bad in them! So we prayed, prayed, prayed that God would still heal them without braces and He did!
Although her legs are still not "perfectly" straight (they are very close and SO much better than they used to be), the doctors agreed that her growth plates in her knees were healed and healthy so that being said, her legs will straighten and grow the right way as she grows taller. We were so happy!! Sadie celebrated the news with a fast run around the hallways of the hospital!! We couldn't keep up with her! She said she wanted to "throw them braces AWAY!" As I was putting her in the car, I started crying, and she said "NO MORE BRACES!!!!" and let out a loud scream! My sweet, sweet Sadie!!
I also have to brag on Laney Beth! During the summer/early fall, she drew and sold artwork to family and friends and saved up all that money and took it to Wal-Mart and bought new toys for patients at the hospital. I was sooooo proud of her! She delivered them right before Sadie's appointment and the lady in charge of donations told her how much they appreciated it and how much it would help little kids who were scared or hurting at the hospital...yes I cried during this too!It was an emotional, GREAT, awesome day!! Thank you God for your blessings!! We have so much to be thankful for!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Our Handsome Sweet Brother :)
We are hooking up with 'Show Us Your Life Friday' over at Kelly's Korner. This week is 'Show us your single boys' and we just so happen to know of one :)
Meet our brother, Dustin, a handsome, single, 23 year old, from Northwest Arkansas! What's not to like about Dustin?! He's one of the most amazing men we have ever known
(yes, we may be a bit partial but hey, he's pretty great!)

Dustin is a laid-back kind of guy, doesn't worry about too much. He's a family man. Fond of the outdoors, Dustin enjoys hunting and fishing and fourwheelin'. He also likes looking at the stars and the sky and he's got some pretty cool pictures to prove it!

He loooooves his nieces and nephew. He always buys them the coolest, most thoughtful gifts, shows them magic tricks, and teaches them pretty neat stuff. Just recently, he called his oldest niece to have her look at the big, cool clouds outside.....aww....so sweet! He's the best Uncle so we KNOW he'd make an awesome Daddy!

He's a very talented man. Music is a big part of his life. He is a self taught guitar player and has been apart of praise and worship for several years (he can sing too but he doesn't like people to know that...shhhh-ha!)

He's also very wise and very deep. The boy knows lots of stuff, whether it be Bible verses, music lyrics, TV quotes, etc, etc. He's just a smart guy!
He enjoys helping people, which is why he's currently going to school and got accepted to the EMT program (we are SO proud!) He should've been a doctor as much as he knows about medical stuff! He amazes us at how knowledgeable he is!

Last but most importantly, he has a wonderful heart for God. He is not the type of guy who just “dates around.” He doesn’t want to date a girl unless he can see himself marrying her one day. How sweet is that?? He is such a wonderful guy, and any girl would be so blessed to call him her own.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Sadie's Legs Update
Hey All :)I will start with the bad news first..Sadie still has to wear her braces :( But the good news is the braces ARE working and they told us when we come back in six months we will more than likely get to get rid of them! Yay! Her legs in November were at a 21 degree angle but today her left leg is at a 15 degree angle and her right is at a 19 degree angle!! Woo hoo! If you'll remember they told us that we would not see any changes in the first 6 months BUT what do they know anyways?! Haha GOD is good! :)We were also told that we can take them off of her for bedtime, when she's just laying/sitting down or swimming. Before they had said only take them off at bath time. Which I will admit we didn't follow the rules all the time :/ Its hard sometimes but even with our 'cheating' the braces have worked tremendously!Then we visited the shop for some adjustments (her legs have grown a lot) and some pressure points were bothering her so they had to make her braces a bit longer and push them out. They told us in six months at our appointment in November we should be able to get rid of them!!! Then we dropped off some toys/coloring books for Shriners patients (we have been collecting stuff since February for a part in Hearts for Hannah..you can go here to read about it:http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/hannahgracecrumby).
Here is a picture of her legs in June 2009 (at our family reunion)
Here they are today (June 12, 2010)

Thank you all so much for your prayers!! You do not know how MUCH they mean to us!!
Last day of Preschool and graduation
Laney's last day of Preschool was May 22nd and that night in the church where she attends Creative School, they held a program/graduation. They all sung songs from each month of the school year from September to May. Then they called each child up for a 'diploma' certificate and showed a slide show of pictures from the whole year! It was so neat! I think Brandon and I both teared up a little when they called her name! She is so big :( Kindergarten here she comes!! We are so very proud of you! You have learned so much this year and had so much fun meeting new friends! You loved your teacher, Ms Trisha too! Way to go Laney! We can't wait to see you excel in elementary!!
(she made these collages of pictures for all the kids)
Sadie LOVES Ms. Trisha too!!
All of the kids singing!

Getting her diploma *sniff-sniff*

We are so proud of you Laney Beth!!
Getting her diploma *sniff-sniff*
We are so proud of you Laney Beth!!
Catching up...Laney's Preschool Graduation
Laney's PreSchool program/graduation was held on May 22nd at 6 pm at her school. They all sung songs from each month of the school year from September to May. Then they called each child up for a 'diploma' certificate and showed a slide show of pictures from the whole year! It was so neat! I think Brandon and I both teared up a little when they called her name! She is so big :( Kindergarten here she comes!! We are so very proud of you! You have learned so much this year and had so much fun meeting new friends! You loved your teacher, Ms Trisha too! Way to go Laney! We can't wait to see you excel in elementary!!
Walking with her friends on her last day of school..
Standing in front of her "cubby"
Laney and her teacher, Ms. Trisha
(she made all of the students a collage of pictures from the entire year!)
Monday, May 24, 2010
Six Months!

Sweet Baby Cade!! I love you so much! You are SIX months old today!! Where in the world does the time go?! You are growing up so fast!
Here's what you are up to these days:
*You can sit up all by yourself now! You like to move your feet a lot though so you topple over sometimes! :)
*You roll over (back to front and front to back!) You never lay still. The other day I put you against the pillows at the top of our bed and you put yourself on your belly and turned completely around and scooted (on your belly) all the way to the end of the bed where Mommy was sitting! I was amazed!
*You are getting 3+ teeth! You are normally a very happy baby and always sleep through the night but the past few weeks you have cried so much and wake up all night. I was a little worried until I seen the teeth coming up and now I understand why you are cranky! Poor thing!!*Your brown hair has turned blonde! You have the whitest eyelashes and they are SO long! My little blue-eyed blondie!!
*We have given you rice cereal, bananas, and applesauce. You like them but you never eat too much. But your getting some good practice in! We also gave you a 'biter biscuit' a few days ago and you chomped that thing down to nothing!
*Uncle Dustin taught you to say 'ha ha ha' You will mock everyone that does it! It is too cute!* You LOVE Mommy! If someone is holding you and I walk by you get whiny and start crying! Ha Its so sweet.
*You also love your big sisters! They try so hard to take care of you and make you laugh! Your favorite thing is when they yell 'BOO' at you! You will laugh so hard! Laney has also started saying 'I see a duck in the sky made out of clouds' to you and you giggle really hard. She will name other animals (elephants, turtles, etc) but you laugh the hardest about a duck!And Sadie has started playing peek a boo with you and you REALLY laugh when she does that!!
You have your 6 month appointment tomorrow so I will update with all of your "stats" and you have to get shots too :(
We are so proud of you, Son! You make our family complete and we are so blessed to have you in our life! Mommy and Daddy talk about how blessed we are with the prettiest/cutest babies in the world! We love you, sweet boy!
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