In honor of Thanksgiving I decided to post a blog of just a few of the things I am grateful for. I am a truly blessed woman and am thankful for all of the people and things that God has given me. I encourage you to write down all that you are grateful for this Thanksgiving..it definately helps you to see that sometimes things aren't so bad after all...
1. I am thankful that I have sweet, beautiful, healthy children. I wouldn't trade these girls for nothin!! I love them so much!!

2. I am thankful for my wonderful husband who provides a christian home for us and that he puts up with all my shortcomings and craziness! :)

3. I am thankful for my family (all of them!) So many people do not get the priviledge of growing up in a christan home. I thank God that I have. I have an enormously large family (so big in fact that I don't have one of the whole gibson clan..) and I am grateful for the good times that we have.

4. I am thankful that I get to be a stay at home mommy even if we do stuggle with money sometimes.. it is sooo worth it! A true blessing.

5. I am thankful that I have a God who loves me no matter how many times I fail and for His grace..

6. I am thankful that all four of my grandparents are still alive (I love them dearly..I couldn't find one picture of my granny on my computer..sorry..)

7. I am thankful that I have a neice or nephew on the way!! Yea!

8. I am thankful for dirty dishes because it means we have food to eat and so many don't have enough food for their family...which brings me to another thankful point...a disherwasher (those aren't my dishes by the way..just a visual aid..)

9. I am thankful for my parents. They have showed me what it is to be a family and to survive through any situation. I am thankful that they stayed together all these 28 years because so many of my friends have divorced parents!

10. I am thankful for the opportunity to teach my girls about God and watch them grow in their faith (Sadie just recently started closing her eyes to pray and Laney knows that she can pray about every problem..even stolen pumpkins...such a blessing and so sweet to watch!)

and here is Miss Sadie praying before lunch (aww...)
11. I am thankful for the bad times I have went through because it's brought me to where I am today and that I can pray openly and freely and go to my Father when I need him...

12. I am thankful for all that laundry that piles up even if I do complain about having to do it because it means that we have plenty of clothes...

13. I am thankful for my great friends (the old ones that I've known since I was born and the new ones that are just as great) It's awesome to know that I can count on any one of them no matter what I need or when!

15. I am thankful for all the dirty diapers and peed in panties and for the almost constant dirty house... because it means I have healthy children and so many people wish they did.

16. I am thankful for my brother and sister. They are the best even if we do still have our fights like children! (how many people can say their siblings are their best friends?)

I will end with the prayer Laney likes to say before we eat;
"Thank You for the world so sweet, Thank You for the food we eat...Thank You for the birds that sing, Thank You God for EVERYTHING,