Laney Beth got to go on her first hunting adventure yesterday! She was so "basided" (excited). Friday night we took her shopping and got her some hunting clothes. She talked all night about getting to go hunting in the woods with her daddy and her Pepaw. So we get up super early Saturday morning and dropped Brandon off at the Coger Farm in Huntsville and us girls went back to Brandon's Granny's house to get ready for Laney's big excursion. I'm gonna tell you she was the cutest little hunter I had EVER seen! I even bought some hunter orange ribbon to make hairbows for her. Of course I had to make her look a little girlie..couldn't have my babies looking like tom-boys! :) Anyways I also dressed Sadie in some camo and put ribbons in her hair. She was adorable as well..

So the time finally came for her to start getting her
gear (face
Then they were off..I will have to admit I teared up watching her go off into the woods...for a variety of reasons...my baby is getting so big and I can't believe she's old enough to go hunting, I worry about her when she's not with me (especially in bear country), and I wanted to go too :( So I head back up to the house and wait rather impatiently with the walkie-talkie (that wasn't working) glued in my hands! I can't even tell you how many times I walked from the couch to the back porch watching for a little orange speck to appear letting me know that they were on their way back! About 20 minutes after dropping them off we see my dad's four-wheeler making it's way up the field..finally my baby is on her way back up!! Brandon and Dad said that she got out there in the woods and sat down and said "OK I'm ready to go back now" haha From the pictures that were taken, she looks really cold and really unhappy..oh well she had a lot of fun and was really excited to tell me all about it. (there are more pics on my facebook if you want to check them out..)
I think she was pretty tired too because while I was getting Sadie down for her nap she laid her head on the computer chair and put her feet up on the recliner and fell asleep..it was too cute and i took one after i moved her to the couch (she is praising God in her sleep!) :)

Then Grandma cooked another delicious dinner..i mean supper..ahaha...and we all played cards and watched Laney perform for us on her stage (she was practicing for her Christmas program at church!) Sadie started getting really cranky..she was getting sick..It didn't take the girls long to fall asleep on the way home!
Funny story..I just had to add...About halfway back to Huntsville we see blue lights and got pulled over! Brandon had to buy a new truck for work (he got promoted to outside sales! so proud of him!) and we haven't had it 30 days yet so we didn't have tags..Well he bought it in Oklahoma and on the "fake tags" they put the date the vehicle was purchased whereas in Arkansas on the fake tags they put the date that you are required to have your tags by. So the cop thought he had us because the tags said October 15th which was the date he had actually purchased it. haha. The funniest part was that he got asked about 10 times if he was drunk..(Brandon is a lazy driver and tends to cross lanes sometimes..) I was like good grief just have him get out if you think he is drunk. Honestly! He didn't even look in the backseat or anything! I was like if you think someone is drunk..wouldn't you check out everyone else in the car? Also Brandon forgot his license at home so he told the cop that he could give him is license number and the guy was like 'just give me your date of birth" haha what? why wouldn't he need his license number? Gotta love Madison County deputies and their backwardness (although Brandon used to be one..he was a smart one though!) :)
It was a fun, exhausting, great day even if we are all know snotty nosed and coughing now from being in the country and around a wood stove all day! But it was awesome and I'm sure it was a day Laney Beth (and Daddy) will never forget!
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The One Eyed Hunter!
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