We decided to start a new tradition for the kids with a "Polar Express" train ride. After reading the Christmas Story, Daddy surprised the kids with train "tickets" and had made hot chocolate for each of them and a little treat bag as well. We marched out to the Traverse and the "conductor" aka Daddy, punched each of their tickets (just like the movie but instead he used a hole punch! ha) and we sang and danced around in the driveway to the song "Hot Chocolate" from the Polar Express movie. It was Sadie's turn to sit in the 2nd row with Cade but tonight I told her to go ahead and sit in the 3rd row with Laney and have "sister time" in the backseat together while looking at lights. In my mind, I can still see her hopping over the 2nd row seat that we had laid down flat, so that the girls could sit together in the back.
We soon left and were headed to see the Christmas lights on the Fayetteville square. We made a quick stop for batteries at Walgreens and I can remember that Laney asked me to look at my Santa app and see where Santa was in the world at that moment, delivering gifts. She wanted me to text her friend, Cooper's mom to tell him where Santa was. A few minutes later, we were on the road again and the last thing I remember was looking at Brandon and telling him that I was so glad that we had nothing to do tomorrow but relax with our babies.
Our plans of new family traditions on Christmas Eve and a relaxing Christmas Day were soon cut short. We had pulled up to an intersection near the University of Arkansas and Brandon can remember that a police officer pulled out of the gas station just as the light turned yellow. He decided he had better stop, in the lane next to the police car, even if the light was still yellow. He didn't want to take any chances of getting pulled over on Christmas Eve for running a red light :) Brandon looked in his rear view and saw lights quickly approaching our vehicle. He could do nothing but hold down on the brakes and pray.
It is estimated that the woman driving the car that hit us was travelling around 70-80 mph. She had hit another vehicle about a mile behind us (thankfully they were not injured) but somehow she kept going until she hit the back of our vehicle. The lady who hit us, ended up losing her life. Very sad. My sweet Laney, took the worst hit because she was sitting at the point that the vehicle hit ours. Her left femur bone was broken and her seat ended up pushed up to the 2nd row. Sadie got hit in the head and had a small gash but thankfully, other than that she was ok. She has told me several times that the lady's car hit her in the head. :( Brandon received the most bruising out of the 5 of us. He was covered with deep bruises from his shoulders to his knees. The steering wheel actually broke and came down on his legs and a year later, you could still feel hard tissue under his skin from the accident. When he stepped out of the vehicle, his pants were down and his shoes had completely blown off of him. His seat also broke and fell back on Cade, busting him in the mouth. He still has a scar on his lip and one of his teeth has turned black from the trauma. Luckily, it is a baby tooth so he will lose it in a few years and it should be just fine! The 2nd row seat that no one was sitting in, pushed up in to my seat and fractured two vertebrae in my back. I was also knocked unconscious instantly. Brandon had no idea if I was ok. He said that he got out of the vehicle and all he could do was lay across the hood of the vehicle and pray. I honestly believe that his prayers were answered. He picked up his phone to call my parents and was able to tell them that we had been rear ended and were being transferred to the hospital. Then his phone died. I believe that God allowed that phone to work for mere seconds, so that my parents would be able to get to the hospital before my kids got there. God knew that Brandon and the kids would need them. He refused treatment at the scene because he knew that as soon as he allowed treatment that he would get separated from the kids. Brandon and the kids were taken away in the same ambulance and he said that he wasn't sure of my condition because they were still working to get me out of the Traverse when their ambulance left. I can not remember a thing from a few minutes before the accident until several hours later when I woke up in the hospital.
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Laney was sitting on the back right side that took the biggest impact. I was in the front passenger, Sadie was on back left side, Cade was in middle left side and Brandon was in the driver seat. |
The first thing that I remember is a police officer with a little beanie hat, standing over me in the hospital. I had NO idea where I was. I think my parents or my brother or sister were standing in the room? I just remember asking where my family was and what happened. The officer told me that we had been in an accident. I think I lost consciousness again. I can remember going in and out. The next thing I heard was a doctor saying "she was just taken back for surgery a few minutes ago." I absolutely felt helpless. That's when they told me that Laney's leg had been broken, really bad. They told me that Sadie and Cade were ok, but were still being checked out to make sure there weren't any unseen injuries. At this moment, I still hadn't seen or heard from Brandon. They told me he was ok, but for some reason my mind kept telling me that he wasn't. I remember thinking that they were lying to me. Brandon has ALWAYS been by my side, through every surgery, hospital visit, etc. I knew that if he was ok, then he would be in there with me. Everyone kept reassuring me that he was fine but I was still scared that he had died or something. Finally, I can barely remember that we met up in the hall (both in hospital beds) and I saw for myself that he was ok. He was in pain and hurting but he was ok! He later told me that as soon as he knew that my parents and brother and sister were there to help the kids and after he made sure I was ok, his adrenaline left him and he felt the pain of all of his injuries and just collapsed. He finally agreed to let them treat him.
A while later, I remember waking up in a room and seeing Laney Beth's bed being brought in to my room. The hospital was SO good to us! They made sure we shared a room so that we could all be together. The kids were all brought Christmas gifts and goodies from the hospital. I've been told that several friends and family came and I can somewhat remember some of the visits. It's really weird and kind of an "out of body experience".. haha! But I can see faces lined up against the wall in the hospital but I can't really remember any of it! :)
Laney and I spent five days in the hospital together. During this time (and several weeks after), I truly realized the magnitude of just how blessed my family is. We received so many phone calls, visits and gifts from people who love us. It was also during this time that I realized what a sweet school we have. So many of Laney's friends and parents came to see us. One friend brought Laney and me a milkshake, every day we were in the hospital. Another friend came and painted fingernails and toenails at home. They brought gifts, snacks, cooked meals for us, cried with us, held a benefit for us, and much, much more. Seriously, we were so blessed. We also realized what a wonderful family we have. I never had to worry that my kids weren't being fed or taken care of. My house somehow got cleaned and my laundry was always done. There will never be enough words to express just how grateful I am for all of my friends and family that were there for us during this time. I thank God for them every day!
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First time up! |
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Sweet Landyn. He was so precious to Laney! Visited her every day! |
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After we got out of the hospital, we were able to have Christmas with my family. FINALLY! |
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A sweet Christmas! It was an emotional year and we were thankful for all of our blessings! |
More Christmas pictures!
I have to admit. Looking through all of these pictures...tears at my heart! Such a scary, sad, sweet, miraculous time.
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Grandma came to stay a few days and spoiled Laney and I with chocolate gravy and biscuits! |
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We got gifts in the mail, almost daily! |
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Brandon's aunt came for a visit and brought lots of fun crafts! |
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Laney's friend, Ally, came and painted nails one day with her momma. |
Laney was in a wheelchair for several weeks and then progressed to a walker and a few weeks later, a set of "crunches".
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A few days after getting home, she drew our accident :( |
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and how she felt about it.. |
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My pretty back brace! |
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Daddy made special panties for Laney. This way she wouldn't have to take them up and down. She could just Velcro them. :) |
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We received this letter in the mail from a family. Very sweet! |
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My mommy necklace was lost during the wreck. My brother had this made for me as a late Christmas gift. Means so much to me! LOVE it! |
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At physical therapy in Springdale |
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Physical therapy at home! |
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My friend Sarah and her son, Kru, came and took Sadie to Boingo Bounce and for ice cream. So sweet! They look SO little here! |
I have so many more pictures that I would love to post. My phone was destroyed in the accident and I haven't been able to find the SD card that contains pictures of us getting ready to leave on our journey, that night. Sometimes, I feel like people may get annoyed or tired of hearing us talk about our accident. I have no doubt in my mind that God spared our lives that night so it is hard for me to not talk about it. When God performs a miracle in your life, it changes you. Forever.
We started a new tradition on the one year anniversary. At first, we said there was absolutely no way that we would leave our house on Christmas Eve again. But then, we decided to show the kids that we are ok and it would be ok to go out on Christmas Eve. So last year, we made cookies and cards and went on our journey. Same road and around the same time. It was tough but we did it! We took the cards and cookies to EMS, Fire Station and Police Station. Then we went to the square and were able to have fun and look around, unlike the year before, when our trip was cut short.
Two years later, we are doing great. Laney has started having problems with her leg again so her surgeon put her back in to physical therapy. She's went for 2 times a week for 4 weeks and they just extended it another 5 weeks. My back is mostly back to normal. Every once in a while, it will flare up and hurt but for the most part, I'm good. Cade still has a mark on his lip and a black tooth :( But hopefully, that'll go away. Emotionally, we are good most days. Days like today, are a little rough. I have a hard time not letting my mind wonder to the what if's. Any of my children could have so easily died. It was hard to get my girls to go out today. They kept acting sad and a little scared. We told them that sometimes you have to just face your fears and go anyways. They agreed and we ended up having lots of fun!
We followed the same tradition this year. I had so much fun making goodies for our heroes!
Then, Daddy made hot chocolate and we got our Polar Express tickets. Tickets, tickets! ;)
We went and visited Uncle D at Central EMS. He showed us all kinds of gadgets and rooms and even cabinets! You had to be there.. Ha! Laney had bought Uncle Dustin a guitar pick necklace with EMT written on it. So, she had to take it to him and let him open it :)
Then, we stopped to get Nana and Pepaw and went to the Fire Station. These guys were so fun. They let the kids play all over the fire truck.
We made a quick stop at the accident site. We said a prayer of thanksgiving. Sweet!
Next, we headed to the Police Station.
Then, we went to the square and walked around and rode ponies.
It was SOOOO cold but so worth it! It is such an honor and privilege to be able to go and tell these men and women how much we appreciate them!
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