Daddy surprised and made Momma VERY happy, by grabbing a plate of donuts from the hotel lobby and bringing them to our room. As I mentioned
yesterday, I'm not a fan of hotel breakfast :)
We had planned on getting up super early, but Daddy changed his mind because he was tired...Would've been nice to know before I woke up at 5:30 to shower :) Oh well, it was nice to get back in bed and relax for a few hours! We had packed and loaded most of our things the night before, so it wasn't too crazy getting things loaded.
We headed out and drove about 45 minutes or so, to Eureka Springs, AR. Ten years ago, this year, Brandon proposed to me in front of the Christ of the Ozarks statue in Eureka Springs, so it holds a special place in our hearts :) We had never taken the kids to see it. We were planning on heading straight to the White River to fish but it was SO cold! After looking at the weather channel, we decided to hang around Eureka for a while and wait for it to warm up.
Not a fan of this bridge. Ask my friends ;) |
Cute statues |
Statue faces |
Pretty view! |
Silly faces! |
I love my sweet boy! |
We loaded back up and took a trip around town. Eureka Springs is really neat and has some beautiful buildings and houses but it is a different's like stepping in to another place! You never know what you might see :)
Basin Park Hotel |
Pretty church |
The famous "haunted" Crescent Hotel |
The restaurant where Brandon took me to dinner the night he proposed ;)
Brandon had the bright idea of making a bathroom stop closer to the river. Bad idea. He stopped at one really disgusting looking place and they said to go up the road a mile (which ended up being about 5 miles) and there was a newer gas station that sold fishing licenses and had bathrooms. I'm not really sure what "newer" meant to that guy but this place was yuck. Brandon also had another bright idea moment, and suggested we eat from the little cafe in the gas station. Eww. The bathrooms?? Well let's just say that you had to enter them from the outside, Sadie called them "ugly" and Laney held her breath the whole time! haha No pictures were taken. Don't worry, you didn't miss nothin'!
We finally made it out the river. It was still a little chilly out but not bad! My kiddos looked SO cute :) We decided to make them wear their life jackets because lets face it, Cade doesn't listen and Sadie is clumsy. So we were afraid someone would fall in!
Love my Bella girl! |
Daddy and Bubba fishing |
She was so big! Cast almost every time by herself! She loved it! |
Cade had more fun throwing rocks than fishing |
Sadie found this rock and said it looked like a hand :) |
Beauty pose :) |
Pretty girl! |
Out of all 5 of us, Cade was probably the least interested in fishing...but he was the only one who caught one!! So funny!! He wanted NOTHING to do with it and ran away when Daddy tried to get him to touch it. The girls have no problems touching gross, slimy things though. Laney played with our worms most of the time! ha
Reeling it in |
You can see Cade running away in the bottom right corner! ha He wanted nothing to do with it! |
Sadie touched it just a little. |
Laney probably would've held, hugged and kissed the fish! So funny!
Here is a video of the fish flopping around. No worries, we let it go and watched it swim away ;)
(For some reason, the video won't play on mobile'll have to watch from a computer. Sorry!)
Sadie started getting bored at this point. Doesn't take much. |
Fishing with my sweet boy! The sun was in his eyes. |
Sadie was cold, itchy, her eyes hurt and she just wanted some shade :) |
The area we were fishing from started getting a little crowded so we decided to walk down the river 100 yards or so and fish there. It was nice because there was no one there! Cade kept yelling "Stop taking pictures of me Momma, and let's just walk!!! We can take pictures when we get there. Okay??" Typical boy.
Much better. No people. No noise and a pretty view!
We had so much fun! Cade preferred playing in the water and mud rather than fishing but he had a blast being a "boy". The girls had a lot of fun too! I think Laney loved it! It was funny because Sadie was watching four trout swim around her hook along the bank. She was very close to catching one because they just kept circling her hook/bait. Laney Beth saw the trout, and decided to throw hers in too. When she did it scared the fish away! Sadie was SOOO frustrated! She laughed but she got on to Laney! It was one of my favorite memories! She's still griping at Laney about it!
Laney showing me how she can cast herself :
(For some reason, the video won't play on mobile'll have to watch from a computer. Sorry!)
These were taken by Beaver Dam. SO beautiful!!
The kids fell asleep pretty quickly after we left. We got home and unloaded, took showers, ate a late dinner and surprisingly, they all went to bed pretty easy!
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