Monday, November 5, 2012

Month of Thanks {Day Five}

Today I'm thankful for the right to vote! My husband and I went real early this morning to "early vote" at the courthouse. Holy cow! The lines were long! I went first and got in line. My husband texted that he was going to get in line once he saw me go through the doors. I think he was thinking if we timed it right, he could keep the kids until I was finished and then grab them on my way out so that he could vote alone. He got in line like 15 minutes after me and texted a few minutes later to say he was finished! WHAT?! Apparently you could vote on paper ballot and there were no lines. I was in line for the machine voting. Sigh. I was in line another 15 minutes after he got back to the car too. Not fair at all! :) Anyways, I am thankful that I can vote and for those who made that privilege possible!

Oh, and these people crack me up...There were SO many people standing on the street corner and in the parking lots holding signs to tell us who to vote for. I'm thinking- seriously?? Like the signs are going to change my opinion on who I am voting for? Be informed before you go vote!

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